Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I'm really enjoying my walks with Ceili. She is, too, as evidenced by the fact that she wiggles and squirms with excitement so much that I have a real time getting her halter on. Once I do, though, we are out the door and on our way in a flash.

Today, we got about a quarter mile away from the house and had to turn around and come back. I'd left the camera card in the laptop! How could I go walking without my camera?!

Here are the shots I got:

There are eleven days until Halloween. What do you think? Will I be able to find something spooky every day until then?

And it's going to start raining, day after day after day, on Friday. Will I weather the wet and cold? Oh, dear. Resolution, help me now!


Parsley said...

Lovely photos but where is a photo of the dog?? LOL

TiLT said...

looking forward to more of these :)

Donna said...

Great photos! I was hoping to see your dog too!

storybeader said...

I love the closeups! Now, how did you get Ceili to stand so still when taking a photo? lol {:-D