It's Sunday, and that means it's time for a Sunday Favorite! I've chosen this one from a year ago, because it's apple season, and those red orbs are calling my name.
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Ceili, my constant, perennially hopeful, cooking companion
My plan, today, was to make Mama's no-bake cookies. Out came my big loose-leaf notebook of recipes. Not there. The little book I'd used for a while some years back. Not there, either. The big recipe box. The little recipe box. Nope.
I called Mom. She went hunting, and started to read one to me, but before she was half finished, we realized it was similar, but not hers. So was a second one, filed nearby. Finally, she said she'd find it and call me back.
In the meantime, all that recipe browsing had reminded me of a bunch of other recipes that are begging to be made, but the one that topped the list was an apple cake recipe I got from a neighbor friend many years ago. I no longer even remember her name, but I thank her for the Best Apple Cake recipe ever.
Here's what you'll need:

- 4 cups unpeeled chopped apples (I promise you won't notice the peels!)
- 2 cups sugar
- 1 cup chopped nuts
- 2 beaten eggs
- 1/2 cup vegetable oil
- 2 teas vanilla
- 2 cups flour
- 2 teas baking soda
- 2 teas cinnamon
- 1 teas salt

In a large mixing bowl, mix all the dry ingredients together. Add the apples and nuts.

Mix together the liquid ingredients, and add to the dry. Stir gently until everything is well-mixed. The batter will be quite thick, but as they cook the apples will "juice up", adding the moisture needed.

Spoon the batter into a greased and floured baking pan. Mine was 7 x 11 inches, but you could also use a 9 x 13.
Bake for about 45 minutes at 350 degrees F, or until a knife inserted at the center comes out clean. (I actually had to cook this one for nearly an hour, because of the smaller pan, but it made for a thicker cake.)

I'd intended to drizzle caramel syrup over the plates before serving, but found we were out of it, so I served it as I had 100% of the time before--just as it came from the baking dish, no frosting or adornment at all. It really doesn't need it.
DH had a one-word description, with his mouth still full of his first bite: "Gooood!"
I would try to make this good recepit.
I love your good assistant, I have 4, my lovely cats.
thanks you became my follower.
Sonia from Italy
Hi Anita, We are about 10 hours apart. So when you were writing at almost 10 your time, we were in our wee morning hours of the next day. Thanks for following on my blog. I'm following here now too. I'm also a mom/grandma, etc. I'm also a Bloggerette Sorority sister. Small worled huh.
Cheers, Coleen in Ukraine
Blogger Followers Swap
Yummmmmm, that sounds absolutely delicious. If I can work out what cups are in grams, I'll give it a go. Drooling already.
And just look at that gorgeous face, and those eyes! Ceili is a darling.
Hi Anitra... friend, your apple cake sounds and looks absolutely divine! I'll definitely be giving your recipe a try! I like that you don't have to peel the apples! Sounds quick and easy...just my kind of recipe! Ohhh...and I think the caramel syrup would be fabulous! Hmmm..maybe even shaking a little powder sugar over the top of the cake!
Well my friend, thanks so much for joining in with the Sunday Favorites party this week...your apple cake certainly deserved a revisit!
Warmest autumn wishes,
Chari @Happy To Design
I just bought a bunch of apples and I've been wondering what do to do with them!
Your blog header is cute! :D
-Zefaniya from swapbot
Wow, Anni, this looks scrumptious!!! Totally delicious, I'll bet!!!
Awww...Ceili is such a cutie!!!
And that cake looks de-lish!
mmmm....sounds great! I will try it! Do you think it is better when baked in a smaller pan and thicker?
Ceili does look very hopeful in this photograph. hoping for a bit of cake maybe?
That looks like a wonderful recipe. I must try it!
Mmmm...I made this yesterday, and it was super yummy. And easy, too. Although I had to laugh at myself - when I was at the store, I knew I needed four something of apples - four hmmm, ah, pounds, that's it! Next time I'll make a list :)
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