Sunday, October 10, 2010

SUNDAY RERUN: The Taste of Figs

My Sunday ReRun for today is a poem I wrote and blogged on another site, back in 2002.

Do you have favorite blog posts? Join the party over at Chari's blog by clicking on the Sunday Favorites button in my left sidebar! It will take you to the easy-peasy instructions for participation.

The Taste of Figs

In the dead of winter he ate dried figs,
watching through windows where snowflakes settled,
and melted against transparent warmth.
He remembered the geese,
flying overhead, beckoning,
while he lingered,
Outside, the twilit air was suddenly
An apple glowed, rose flame
under the frost.
And, alone,
I tasted figs.


Chari at Happy To Design said...

Hi Anitra...

My friend, what an awesome post to revisit! Wow...I didn't know that you were such a gifted and talented poet, Anitra! I love "The Taste of Figs"! It's beautiful and really does paint a picture! They do say that a picture paints a thousand this case, your beautiful words painted the picture!!! By the way, I love the fig's gorgeous!

Well my friend, thank you so much for sharing your lovely poetry with us today for Sunday Favorites...this was such a treat!!! I also wanted to thank you for your sweet note and compliments on my new blog header. I have a new "fancy-shmancy" camera and have loads of fun playing with it. I got those photos of the autumn leaves this week and thought they would make a pretty header!

Warmest autumn wishes,
Chari @Happy To Design

Erika said...

This brought back many happy memories! My grandfather had a large fig tree in his yard. Every year he would fill up plastic bags for us to take home after our weekly visit. I relished those soft yummy fruits! (though I still think that his were the best)

Lori E said...

Many women want gifts of flowers and candy.
My husband came home with a tray of fresh figs for me because he has heard me say many times that I can never find fresh figs in the grocery stores.
I thought that was the most thoughtful gift ever. Now whenever I taste fresh figs I will think of him.

Anonymous said...

Hi Anitra! Oh, what a lovely poem. You are so talented! Thank you so much for popping in to see me.
Be a sweetie,
shelia ;)

Cass @ That Old House said...

What a delight to find something like this pop up on my monitor! Lovely, evocative verse; thank you.

Unknown said...

Lovely poem. And thanks for the tip about finding stones at the pet store- I'm going to check it out!

Sweet European Dreams said...

hi! Your Coffee Pot folks are SO creative - love them all! Thanks so much for stopping by my page this weekend! -diane

Sue said...

This is beautiful, your words took me to that place and time. Very nice.
