Mom didn't do this craft with me as it was getting late and she needed to go to bed, but she watched the first part of the process. Me, I thought I could just start on it, and kind of see how it was going to go, and then go to bed, leaving the rest until morning.
It was well after midnight when I went to bed, but I left the finished candy/nut dish on the table for Mom to see when she got up.
It was fun to do, and simple, too. I used rubber cement to attach the music paper, and was pleased to find you couldn't see it on the inside of the dish. It was completely transparent when it dried.
I started applying the pieces of music, working from the stem to the rim of the glass. To make them fit around the stem, I cut a curved notch into the paper. As I looked through the music books I'd brought, some of the titles caught my eye, and I used a couple, adding a bit of humor to the project. Near the stem is the word "Prankish", and curving around higher on the glass is "Jennie's First Rondo", with a description below it: "not fast but very amiable and fine-tempered".
I found it easiest to apply the paper right out over the edge of the rim, and then trim it with scissors, which gave a nice straight edge. A glue gun worked nicely for the braided trim, bit of jewelry, and bead. On the chance that hot glue applied directly to the glass would crack it, I applied it instead to the trims, which worked fine. Last step was to tie a narrow black ribbon around the stem.
My photos aren't great. I think it was about midnight when I took the pictures, too!


Jennie's First Rondo
Hi you cute thing.. got up early and was surfing the net.. came across this one of your blogs, kept clicking and found out I missed your b/d in Jan I feel bad.. MY MOM TURNED 90 01/10/2010. I always get such good vibes from your pages. (sending you an e-mail later) love your creative juice perking up the web!!
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