I met Farha last year, and went totally gaga for her silk flowers, made with hand-dyed silk. And isn't it great when an artist you admire for his/her talent turns out to be nice, and a fun person? Makes me glad she's local to Portland, and not just on Etsy. Not that there's anything wrong with being "just on Etsy." Besides, we all live somewhere, right?
Here are some things from her Etsy shop. I can't, of course, show everything here, so you'll have to visit her yourself at
This first flower just wowed me. It looks like something you could frame and hang on the wall:

A fairy hat! I am in love with this, naturally. I don't just love fairies, I happen to know for a fact that they are real.

This gives me that Ooh-aah feeling. Beautiful.

Isn't this one lush?

Just one more delicious dainty:

By the way, you won't see all these on Etsy. Check out Farha's website, where she has dozens in the galleries:
And there's more to see (and buy!) here: Flowers by Farha on Silkfair
I'm speechless....
Thank you so much!
Those are beautiful! Thanks for sharing :)
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