Monday, August 10, 2009


It feels so good to be back! Not that I went very far, since North Plains is just about half an hour away, and I came home every evening, but being home for the day, with nowhere to rush off to is a complete bliss. I plan on doing some housework!

The Elephant Garlic Festival was good--nice people all around me, pleasant weather, and decent sales. (Is it crass to mention sales in my blog? It is the reason I do shows, and I have to say that Friday had me thinking I'd made a huge mistake. Others who'd done the show before, though, said Friday was always like that, and the weekend would make up for it, and they were right.) I even got to hear some of the bands in the Battle of the Bands, though only from a distance. I brought home plenty of garlic, too, to roast. Yay!

At some point, I realized I was quite likely to sell some of the Tea Kettle Characters I hadn't had time to photograph, and that the back wall of the tent was a pretty decent backdrop, so out came the camera. Here are the first three:




All righty, then! It's practically the middle of the day, and all I've done is fix breakfast and this entry. It's time for an audio book (Twilight sounds good...) and a clean house!


Anonymous said...

I love the winking elephant one ;)

Have a lovely week,