Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Oh, there is just nothing like learning to do some new, crafty thing! Last week, I decided it was time I learned to make wire-wrapped rings. Once I got the knack of it, courtesy of the wonderful tutorials on BeadingGem's blog, they were like potato chips for me. All I wanted to do was try different beads and play with them, and by the time of the Feast on Art sale, this past weekend, I had several dozen made.

Yesterday, I photographed a bunch of the ones I had left from the sale (yes, they did sell well!), and put them in my Etsy shop:

I finished putting the rings online at about 10:15 pm, last night. By the time I got up this morning, that last one was in an Etsy Treasury! That was a smile-maker, let me tell you.


Anonymous said...

They are so pretty! Congrats on the treasury!

AWJ said...

They're gorgeous! I think I like the green one the best. Congrats on the treasury, too! :)

Memories for Life said...

Love the pink and orange one!!!
Congrats on the treasury :)

TiLT said...

awesome! No surprise that you can wrap so wonderfully though...your people show how great your hands are :)

The Beading Gem said...

Thanks for mention! Aren't they addictive to do? I get carried away too.

Mollye said...

Oh good lord have mercy aren't these the cutest things I've ever seen, and I have the stones, the rocks, the gems, the wires and do you think I could actually do them to look as good as yours . UhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhNOPE, not even a fat chance, but now I'm inspired all over again to try once more. Well maybe I'll copy the link and try it after Christmas. Thanks you so much for praying for my grandson Andy. Seriously it is awesome. Hugs, Mollye

sandy said...

Love the rings, very interesting color combination's.

Happy New Year and keep up the good work.