Thursday, December 3, 2009


Another Coffee Pot Person who is currently shown on one of the "Celebrate Christmas" cards is a character named Lumin.

Here's his photo:

And his story:

Lumin may look vaguely familiar to you, especially if you’ve seen Disney’s “Beauty and the Beast.” Lumin is the great-grandson of Lumiere, the candlestick character.

Unlike his famous predecessor, Lumin is not in theatre, though he certainly doesn’t lack flair. He is on Sabbatical here from his job as a concierge at a quiet hotel in Paris, and while here he has discovered a delightful new hobby—touring gardens at night. His own personal glow is enough to illumine the ordinary, and make it exotic, and at this point he is already planning a new tourist attraction, Jardin Noir (Black Garden). He is so excited about it he can’t decide whether to stay here and learn more, or just rush home and get started.

In other news, I have two shows this weekend, one that starts tomorrow, and one that starts Saturday. I'll try to post all the info in the morning, because I'd love to see any and all of my friends!


Live, Love, Laugh, Write! said...

Nice to meet you Lumin!

LazyTcrochet said...

Very cool. Good luck at your show!

Anonymous said...

Love it, and the lilies!!

Emerson Bindery said...

Love the hair. Mine looks like that sometimes in the mornings! :D

Mollye said...

Oh he's a cutie. Got my cards yesterday and the little surprise which I ADORE. Thank you and now I hate to part with them............I will go in on Etsy and give you a bang up shout it out! Peace, Mollye Thanks again girl.

Memories for Life said...

He looks great :)

Hope your shows went well :)

Splendid Little Stars said...

quite charming!