I can't resist this. My son-in-law took this shot of his and my daughter's kids. It's a second marriage for both of them, and they both had kids when they married. Take a look at this photo. Which three kids "belong" to my son-in-law, and which two are my daughter's? Which one is a boy? (Click on the photo to get a better look if you need to.)
I do believe there'll be a prize for anyone who can figure it out correctly!
After I went to bed last night I realized I'd made this even more difficult, maybe Too difficult, by not putting in pictures of my daughter and son-in-law. So here's the same kids, same day, same outfits, but with the parental units. If you've already made a guess, you're free to try again! (If you decide you guessed wrong. I'm not tellin' yet.) Again, clicking on the photo should give you a closer look.

Okay - here's a wild guess =p
Boy is in green and blue striped shirt? (totally not sure =p *laughs*)
okay - girl in back on left and (my guess) boy is striped shirt are your daughters. Two girls in white and one in two tone blue jacket are sil's... maybe =p And I have changed my mind a dozen
times! roflol! cute kids and fun to guess =)
Oh gosh...tricky!
I would say the two in the middle (blue jacket and blue and green sweatshirt) are together. And maybe the one on the far right with them?
I would say the boy is actually the one with the longest hair...on the far left. And his sister has his arm around him???
I can't wait to hear the results!
ok here's my guess.....
girl on left with long hair is sister of brother at the front left with blue jacket and they belong to your daughter. The girl at the back left is the sister of the two girls at the center and front right and they belong to your son-in-law! But what a great big happy bunch of kids!
The boy I think is the one on the left front with a blue strip going down the arms of the jacket.
What a great bunch of kids...
Hmmm...I'll guess thay kid in blue and green horizontsl stripes is a boy?
And And two oldest looking kid, second from left and fourth from left are blood siblings, as with the rest. Judging that by hari colour, actually...
Beautiful family!
I thought the two on the left were mom and daughter, but on closer inspection, are sisters! Older sister on left, and girl (?) in the stripes are your son-in-law's kids!
How'd I do?
Okay - I am changing my mind ***again*** roflol!
Mom and girl in back next to her and girl in white jacket are one 'set' *winks* And Boy in blue jacket in front, girl in striped shirt and girl on far left go with dad.
...or maybe the boy is in the green and blue shirt and the youngest is a girl...
***ack*** post the answer soon =p paleeese! *roflol*
okay - I'm writing down my guess 9and I DO mean guess!) b4 I read everyone else's...
Her's: the girl next to her & the one on the far right...the 3 in the middle for him...and as for the boy...I'm going with the one in front in the blue jacket...not b/c it's a blue jacket but b/c reminds me of my son a few years ago :P
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