Friday, March 19, 2010

COFFEE POT PEOPLE: Magnetic Personalities

Thanks to my eldest daughter, Melody, I've been very busy the last few days, putting together something brand-new: Sets of Coffee Pot People refrigerator magnets!

She brought up the idea of putting their faces in bottle caps several months ago, and the idea squiggled its way into my brain and took up residence. It didn't hurt at all that Melody said she'd do the "putting their faces in bottle caps" part! I got to work and put together a largish group of my peeps faces, scaled to 1" (2.4 cm), and sent them to Melody, who printed them, cut them, put them into the caps, and added a layer of resin, and then sent them back to me by way of her next younger sister.

Once I had them in my hot little hands, I put them into sets, and into tins, and added one more magnet.

Now it's time for Show and Tell! Presenting.....

Coffee Pot People
"Magnetic Personalities"

As you can see, the bottle cap magnets come in a little tin with a decorated lid. And on the lid is another magnet, but that one is a sheet magnet just a little smaller than the lid itself.

I'm excited and pleased with the new sets, as I'm sure you can tell. Should I be? I don't always know....


AWJ said...

Very very cute and original. Good luck- I hope you sell them all! :)

Anonymous said...

Ooohhh, I love them. So creative!

storybeader said...

love the storage idea! And large sheet magnets are really good for the heavy stuff on the frig! Great ideas - great collaboration! {:-D

TiLT said...

These are absolutely fabulous! I'm sure they will be a big hit!

Emerson Bindery said...

What an awesome idea! I love them!!

Anonymous said...

Those are Cute!! and Amazing idea of Creations!!! :D

Mollye said...

Oh Ani, these are gonna be best sellers for you. Very cute, original, handy and "fresh". XXMollye

tamdoll said...

Brilliant idea.