This may actually be #10, but who's counting?
It is, for sure, the Friday Fence Post for my Dad's birthday. Happy Birthday, Dad. I imagine you eating angel food cake, lit with stars. Just don't blow them out! And Dad? I'm dedicating this post to you, with love.
I took photos of just one fence this week, but it was a really interesting one. Here are the pics:
Look at it turned on its side. Cool, huh? Kinda looks like a road to me.
I'm late posting this, and resisting the urge to add "as usual". It really was a hectic day, though. Hit the road running, at a little before seven this morning, and didn't stop until eight in the evening.
Trillium is having a holiday sale tomorrow, with everything in the store 10% off, and refreshments and free gift wrapping for all. I stayed up until about 11:30 baking cookies for that, and then headed over this morning to set up the gift wrap station, for which I donated 30 of my fabric gift bags and most of my stash of vintage Christmas wrap, and a bunch of small boxes.
Before that, though, I rounded up everything I'd need for the show I'm doing at Cascade College tomorrow--all the bins and baskets full of China and Mega Blossoms, gift bags, Tea Kettle Characters--oh, forget the list. I have a 10X10 booth, and each show fills our van and usually a good bit of my car. I had all of it in the driveway by the time Bob gto back from picking up the tables, which our daughter had borrowed.
After Trillium, it was a quick-as-I-could-make-it trip through Joann's, where I picked up thread, a bigger cutting mat, some sterling wire and head pins, and a new magazine. Everything was at least 40% off.
I was actually running ahead of schedule, so instead of grabbing a cup of coffee on the road to eat with my low carb bar, I went home and had it there, and even took a few minutes for a bona fide break. Then Bob and I jumped in our vehicles and drove over to the college and spent the next several hours setting up my booth. By the time I was done enough there it was nearly six, time to rush home and get ready for dinner out, and also run to the store for some last minute purchases for the show.
Dinner at 8:30 or a bit later. Ten o'clock now, and I'm tired, but I think everything's done, ready for tomorrow. Show starts at 9am. Planning to be there by 8.
Love the fence and your post. Does that make it a fencepost? Heh heh. Sorry. Couldn't resist. Muahhhhh...
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