Sunday, October 24, 2010

SUNDAY RERUN: Catsup Flowers

It's time for a Sunday Favorite, hosted by Chari! Do you have favorite blog posts, too?Just click on the badge in the left-hand sidebar to see the directions for joining this meme.

These are not mustard flowers, but I like them!

This favorite of mine is from May of 2002, titled Catsup Flowers:

Grace (the three-year-old I take care of on Tuesdays) and I were walking to the car, and passed a leggy plant with yellow flowers dotting the end of its stems.

"What kind of flower is that?" she asked.

"It's mustard," I answered. "And when the flowers make seeds, you can grind them up, and that's how you make mustard. They're very small seeds, though, and it takes a lot of them."

She thought it over for just a moment, then asked, "Do they make catsup from catsup flowers?"


storybeader said...

pretty close-up! But from 2002! Is that how long you've been blogging? My goodness! {:-D

Donna said...

Sweet Grace! How cute.

Mollye said...

out of the mouths of babes. So what's up chick. I know you're busy as a little bee. Huggles, Mollye

Kranky Granny said...

What an interesting story. Kids, you can't help but love them.

I am fascinated by your coffee pot people. Never seen anything like them before.

Thanks for visiting with my ten siblings. comments are always the icing on the cake for me.

majeral said...

CATSUP FLOWERS!!! HOW SWEET.. My youngest many years ago was helping his Granny in the garden and brought out a hand full of rice and started planting it, WHY? Because he loved rice. Mom would get some small plants and "replant" them in the spot. Soon Roland had his "rice" . She did tell him he had to wait till it dried then she would make him his rice . lol
be well

Chari at Happy To Design said...

Good Morning, Anitra...

Ahhh...what a cute story, my friend! Don't you just love the way children think! Such a beautiful photos too...pretty flowers!!! Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful flowers and your sweet, sweet story with us for Sunday Favorites this week, my friend! I loved it!

Have a great week, Anitra!
Warmest autumn wishes,
Chari @Happy To Design

Cindy Cone said...

Pretty good looking flower :) is this edible?

Cindy@ Silk Bouquets