Thursday, February 4, 2010


Yesterday, I just HAD to have cookies. Not just any old cookies, either. I needed the ones Mama used to whip up when we were kids, cokies that went from cupboard to kid in a flash, and no oven involved, just lots of Yummy. Honestly, it was enough to drive me out of my cozy home into the drizzly cold of a February afternoon, just to buy oatmeal.

It was totally worth it, too, which is why I'm sharing the recipe with you!
Yummy Ugly No-Bake Cookies

1 cube butter or margarine
2 cups sugar
6 tablespoons coca powder
1/2 canned milk (not the sweetened kind0
3 cups quick cooking oats
1 cup (or more, if you want) peanut butter
1 teaspoon vanilla

Melt the butter over low heat. Add the sugar, cocoa, and canned milk. Bring to a boil and let boil 1 minute. Remove from heat and quickly stir in oats, peanut butter, and vanilla.

Drop by teaspoons on waxed paper or aluminum foil. Allow to cool.

The hardest thing about this recipe is letting the cookies cool enough to set up!

I'd bought regular oats, so I didn't take the pan off the heat right away, but let it cook on medium for a bit. Worked fine. Now I'm wondering if you could use cooled leftover oatmeal, instead of raw. It would make a softer cookie, but it seems as though it would work.


majeral said...

My wonderful 18 year old cat woke me this morning at 0430 wanting to be held..still purring like a kitten so of course I held him and we loved each other when he had enough I was wide awake so of course i got online and there was this no cook cookie well as soon as my eyes can focus I am making it. I need coco and oatmeal lol

Anonymous said...

Ugly, however sound sooo yummy!

Thank you for the very kind comment on my blog, and no, unfortunately that is not my yard...I live in FL.


Marlene said...

Hi Anitra, thanks for visiting my blog. It is nice to meet locals so to speak, we also are both capricorns. The cookies look really good and I love the plate they are on.