Sunday, October 11, 2009


My self-assigned task for today was to take something mundane, even ugly, and find beauty in it. I found it in the pavement of a store parking lot. (I have to wonder what the other shoppers thought, seeing me down on my knees with a camera!)


Anonymous said...

Aaaah! A diamond in the rough...

Live, Love, Laugh, Write! said...

Well - you succeeded!

AWJ said...

Where did you find the beauty?

(btw, I would have smiled if I'd seen you... ;))

Anonymous said...

I too would have smiled...and known.

Mollye said...

ok............I bite. What the heck is the shiney blob? Is it wadded up foil? A Tiffany Diamond? The alloy filling from the Jolly Green Giant? or a meteor that fell from the sky? Whatever it is it did capture my time in wondering. teeheeeeeeeeeeee Hugs, Mollye

Anonymous said...

I really like your photo.. want Dad to see this.. he always complain that I photograph something nonsense.. want to show you that not only me.. and not nonsense at all.. It's ART!! LOL

majeral said...

Gosh and I thought I was the only one that kept taking pictures of my feet and the ground? My cell has lots of strange pic's thank goodness I don't send them my bill would to big.
But darlin'g you just keep taking them till you find one you love lol

TiLT said...

very cool! I love that you can't tell the could be some large rock & fallen tree...long decomposed though :P