Wednesday, May 14, 2008


I was trolling through Etsy today, and came across Siansbury's shop. I was, and am, completely smitten with her sock chicken. What a total hoot! It set me clucking and chuckling, let me tell you. I just wanted to share it, so here are photos:

I had a flash of happy memory as I was putting this together. When I was a little girl, maybe from the time I was four until I was five or so, when I colored in my coloring books, I colored in stripes. I wanted to use every crayon in the box,and not leave any of those lovely hues out.

Everything was a rainbow of color, just like Siansburys' chicken. All these years later, and I still don't want to leave out any colors. Guess there's just no growing me up, huh?

(Be sure to visit her shop and see the other animals in her menagerie!)