Saturday, July 17, 2010


I thought I knew what I was going to show the world today on this second excursion into Show Me Something Saturday land--the art I've been working on since I got home from Hood River on Monday.

I was out in the yard with my camera, setting up a shot, when art from a much more practiced and professional Hand grabbed my attention. Can't compete with the Divine, and ain't gonna try.

And I'm suddenly put in mind of an old, favorite, saying: "Earth laughs in flowers." My garden is fairly burbling with joy right now if that is the case!

The pink and white roses next to the yellow cottage grabbed me first:

And then the honeysuckle against the fence:

And the love-in-a-mist, which I think is also called Devil's claw, at the base of a birdbath:

By then, I was just wandering around, looking at all the beds. There's an enormous buddleia (butterfly bush), which I guess we aren't supposed to grow anymore, now that Oregon has declared them an invasive species. My husband hacks it to the ground every year, and every year it just comes back stronger. It's taller than the peach house now, but smells so deliciously of honey, and is draped so beautifully with purple spires that I can't resist it. Neither could this bee:

Click on this one for sure. The bee's amazing.

The foxgloves are everywhere. Very few white or cream ones this year, though, but I've been wanting to shoot down the throat of one forever, and never had the right light. Aren't they fantastic? (Yes, Deb--I'm looking at the sex organs of flowers again! I should be blushing, but I'm just fascinated, lol.)

Then, as I took the path to the bed next to the porch of the peach cottage, this perfection in pink lit up the shade:

And last, the lavender and curry blooming together, one of my favorite combinations, and one I wait eagerly for every year:

So now, what have you got to show me this Saturday, or next? Leave a comment with a link, and let me know, so I can come see!

PS Clicking on the photos makes them bigger, and even more amazing. And here's one of my favorite computer tricks: After you've clicked on a photo, push the F11 key. Everything at the top and bottom of the screen will go away, and the picture will get even bigger! When you want your stuff back, just push F11 again. It's a wonderful way to see more screen on any page.


Memories for Life said...

It is so important to stop and smell the roses sometimes :) I'm so glad you did...and shared them with us! Beautiful!!!

storybeader said...

beautiful flowers! Love the close-ups! So what's this peach cottage about?

Me? I just finished my first "winery" book. Had a little butterfly that I added, as a bookmark - here's a view over at Picasa online:

Erika said...

Absolutely gorgeous! I wish my yard looked like yours with such wonderful flowers. I tried to grow a butterfly bush and it died. I guess it needed water:)

thanks for the tip about f11.

Mokihana said...

Wow! Your photos are just amazing!! Thanks for the color!

Mokihana said...

Okay, here's my "Show Me Saturday".

Splendid Little Stars said...

such gorgeous flowers and mist as well, aka Nigella. I do love butterfly bushes. they attract the most interesting butterflies and other flying creatures such as butterfly moths. And I do love their sweet honey scent. I will be sure to keep the bushes in check.
Is curry the same thing as yarrow?
Thanks for the F11 trick!