Saturday, April 10, 2010


Spent another couple of days at Mom's, and have taken pictures of the rooms that are ready. Not much more to do--maybe one more of arranging things on tables, and then a day of pricing everything. And then the sale itself! I know I've gone on and on about this, so I'll just let these pictures tell the story. (Remember: We still have probably a whole day of setting things out to go!)

If you click on the pictures, you'll see them larger, just in case you want to go shopping! I'm serious--if you see something you think you'd like, email me, or leave a comment, and I'll get back to you with the price. (Note: Payment options: cash, checks, credit cards, and PayPal. If it has to be mailed, there'll be a shipping charge.)

I realized as I was doing the photos and loading them up that I was doing this partly so people would understand why this has taken so much of my time, and Mom's, and Aunt Charlotte's, too. I mean, I've done garage sales before, no big whoopie, but this one....

But then Mom and Dad lived there over twenty years, it's a big house, and for years they ran it as a bed & breakfast. Add to that Mom's collecting bent and uber talent for bargains, and you get a whole, great, lot of stuff.


Anonymous said...

Oh Wow!!! Really Lots of Stuff!! I wonder if they're crowded in there how do you do to keep an eye on everything.. and do you have a price tag on every item?? Oh.. they're lot of works.. Good luck!!

storybeader said...

gosh! there's so many pieces of china! I hope this wasn't too hard for the sisters to do this! And I suppose family has already taken what they were interested in... Love the desk with drawers, but that's probably too heavy to mail... and the poker chip stand! I can see where you got the knack of collecting!

majeral said...

WELL NOW I DON'T FEEL SO BAD!! I have things from 25 to 50 years ago and people get on my case about it. Well I feel like I am in good company and trying to unload things.
Sure glad I am not close by i would be buying stuff I have no room for lol

roseworksjewelry said...

Wow - that's a lot of stuff! But considering all the factors you mentioned I guess its not really that surprising. Good luck with the sale!

Memories for Life said...

What a collection! It would be hard to part with it all!

GwendolynKay said...

Good luck with the sale. You have so many treasures there. .. if I could be there, I would!

Anonymous said...

Just signed up for Miz Mollye's swap saw your name and popped over for a visit. This will be fun.