Wednesday, October 28, 2009


We have this thing about turning on the heat in October around here. It's like a matter of principle or something. No turning on the furnace until November! It's supposed to be to save money, but honestly, there are just 3 days left in this month, so what are we talking about? Three dollars? Whoo-hoo!

Anyway, the upshot is that even with a fire in the fireplace, I spend a lot of time sitting on the bed with a blanket over my legs, listening to the news on TV and working on crafts. This is what I finished up today:

That's it for today, which makes this a nearly Wordless Wednesday. (Or at least, as close to wordless as I'm likely to get!)


Diane Gilleland said...

These are absolutely beautiful!

BeadedTail said...

What fun and unique bracelets!

Memories for Life said...

Those are great :) Nothing like relaxing in bed and crafting :) But I hope you're staying warm!

Live, Love, Laugh, Write! said...

They all look great :)

Mokihana said...

Wow! You did a fabulous job on all the bracelets!

We just lit a fire in the woodstove today...

Obiuser said...

Articles were very nice and good enough to be listened to or visit.
pengobatan untuk sembuhkan kanker jaringan lunak