Friday, October 30, 2009


Saw this while driving through the Irvington neighborhood today:

"There's only one thing I never did and wish I had done: climbed over a fence. "
Queen Mary

Kinda makes me glad for all the fences I've climbed over, under, and through in my life. The reward of being a confirmed tomboy is knowing what's on the other side!


Kathleen said...

Looks like the entrance to the 'secret garden'!

Cathy B. said...

Great quote and beautiful fence; what a lovely post post! (Um, that was deliberate.)

Patti said...

Beautiful combination of the works of God and man together!

Live, Love, Laugh, Write! said...

Climbing fences can be dangerous sometimes...I ended up in the hospital last time I climbed one. But it also lead to me dating the man who became my it all worked out for the best!

storybeader said...

that's one beautiful fence! so lush! That's a weird quote - just watching a movie, "Elizabeth" and her sister, Queen Mary" didn't look like the type who wanted to climb a fence. But then, she was a dying woman when the movie starts. {:-D

Memories for Life said...

Love all the greenery around it :)

Splendid Little Stars said...

aahhhh...I haven't climbed a fence in a long time...