Wednesday, October 28, 2009


We have this thing about turning on the heat in October around here. It's like a matter of principle or something. No turning on the furnace until November! It's supposed to be to save money, but honestly, there are just 3 days left in this month, so what are we talking about? Three dollars? Whoo-hoo!

Anyway, the upshot is that even with a fire in the fireplace, I spend a lot of time sitting on the bed with a blanket over my legs, listening to the news on TV and working on crafts. This is what I finished up today:

That's it for today, which makes this a nearly Wordless Wednesday. (Or at least, as close to wordless as I'm likely to get!)


  1. Those are great :) Nothing like relaxing in bed and crafting :) But I hope you're staying warm!

  2. Wow! You did a fabulous job on all the bracelets!

    We just lit a fire in the woodstove today...

  3. Articles were very nice and good enough to be listened to or visit.
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