Monday, October 12, 2009


Sometimes you just don't know what you're going to take a picture of until you see it. All day long possibilities presented themselves, and yet none of them made me grab the camera. Until I looked down and saw my knee:

Now, I ask you: Who wouldn't have reached for the camera?

By the way, that shiny object in yesterday's photo was a tiny cube of shattered glass, stuck in the pavement.


Anonymous said...


storybeader said...

welll, no, I don't think I would have grabbed a camera. But that's what I love about you! Now, is that little guy crying? What Did You Do?

AWJ said...


Anonymous said...

I "grab" the camera all the time for what others don't see, or maybe understand, or think I'm odd for...

and that what I too like about of the things anyway!

Kathleen said...

too funny! love it - I grab for my camera all the time! hehe - most of the time I am glad that I did! lol!

Mollye said...

Uh .... Anitra, I think you have it upside down. Could you just rotate your knee so we could actually see that this is a pic of eyes, and a gaping mouth with two tiny toofies? C'mon you can do it. What's that? You said you can't because it would hurt too much, ok I guess you could just rotate the image.

majeral said...

Anitra, I have a really good dermatologist to get rid of that growth. lol (maybe it is time for a real vacation)

TiLT said...

what a great face - love the teeth :)

Memories for Life said...

Great photos...thanks for the laugh :)