Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Brownies first, right? These are my "Brownies for Grown-ups", but today I thought I'd top them off with something, and it turned out so yummy I decided to share what I'd done. Since it was spur-of-the-moment cooking, you get a photo of the finished product only, and approximate quantities on the ingredients, but here's what you do:

Bake your brownies as usual. Now get a small bowl and put about half a large package of butterscotch chips in it, with about a teaspoon and a half water. Put it in the microwave and nuke it until it melts. My microwave took about 45 seconds. When you take the bowl out, the chips will be melted, but the oil in them will have separated itself out. No worries. Add one or two teaspoons of chocolate syrup, and stir until the mixture is creamy.

Drizzle the melted mixture over the brownies, and top with chopped nuts. It is Gooooood!

Now the tip.

This is summer. You know, that season with the clothes that won't stay on hangers. Here's a simple way to make a non-slip hanger so your tank tops and scoop-necked tees won't slide right off every time you look at them.

Take two of those big rubber bands they wrap around produce at the grocery store. Wrap them once or twice around each end of your coat hanger.

Hang up your shirt or dress. The rubber bands will keep it in place.

Oh! Almost forgot! 52 Flea has an awesome give-away/give-back going to celebrate her 500th post, but you have to sign up before August 1st, so get yourself over there on the double-quick!


Parsley said...


Great tip. Thanks!

storybeader said...

great tip. I'm heading over to the giveaway. Thanks {:-D

AWJ said...

Nice tip! And the brownies look scrumptious. :)

Keetha Broyles said...

Very cool tip!

Lancaster Paving Contractors said...

Good reading thhis post