Wednesday, July 7, 2010


There's a new Coffee Pot Person on the block, and her name is Judy! I took her outside today fro a brief portrait session, but we couldn't stay long. They don't seem to bother Judy or our little dog Ceili, but the mosquitoes were absolutely eating me alive, so we retreated to the indoors, where I slathered my welts with that boon to humankind, melalueca oil, aka tea tree oil.

That's probably more information than necessary, but I get chatty when I'm thinking with my fingertips!

And now, without further ado, h-e-e-e-r-e's JUDY!

Judy hasn't told me anything about herself yet. Usually, it takes a few days for that, and some patience. My usual routine is to just stare at them for a day or two, talk to them now and then, let them get used to me, that sort of thing. Eventually, the Coffee Pot People get comfortable, and start talking, and I find out all sorts of things--their jobs and hobbies, personality traits, wardrobe preferences, etc. I must say, some are more talkative than others, and also, I have to tell you that they don't actually talk out loud!

And now I can hear you wondering: What has that first photo got to do with Judy?

Nothing! I was just going into the house, and noticed how the foxglove had wound itself around the handle of the umbrella, and thought it was cool!

Oh, and my little dog, Ceili, has taught herself a new trick. I'm tickled by it, but not sure how happy I'll be in the long run: She has taught herself how to open the sliding screen door to the enclosed deck! She is SO pleased with herself!


Amy A said...

She's gorgeous! Love the skirt :)

Marjorie (Molly) Smith said...

Judy is very adorable and looks a little shy to me. Maybe she will open up to you and tell all about herself..she and her sweet antebellum dress.
Love your first picture, I love taking odd shots like that.

Keetha Broyles said...

Judy is just delightful and you crack me up!

What do you DO with all your CPP?

storybeader said...

sounds like Ceili is a bit tricky! I love Judy - she is adorable, with the ribbon in her hair and her pretty white dress. Very pretty eyes, too!

Splendid Little Stars said...

Uh-oh (Ceili)

I have some thoughts about Judy, her life and personality. So I am curious to hear what she tells you.

Mollye said...

I can't wait to know more about Judy but I bet she is shy and demure. Right? Miss you. XXHugs, Mollye