Monday, July 12, 2010


Hood River Lavender Daze is a favorite festival of mine, one I look forward to eagerly each year. A big part of the pleasure and joy of it is the location--smack in the middle of the Hood River Valley, with Mt Hood shining white to the south, and the snowy slopes of Mt Adams rising to the north. The orchard, the rows and rows of lavender, banks of red poppies and tall white shasta daisies, mounds of curry plant, lawns dotted with lawn chairs and tables, where you can sit and sip lavender lemonade and soak in the scent and beauty.

My booth, for the last two years, has had its back against a row of lavender, yarrow, and ...and...what is that? I asked Diane, who owns the farm along with her husband, and found she's a bit frustrated at not being able to remember! And I really, seriously, find that I need to have this plant in my own garden. But how can I get any if I don't know what it is?

I'm asking you. Can you identify this plant? It doesn't seem to have any scent to it, and stands roughly 18" tall. Help me out here. Please. Pretty please.

If you need a closer view, click on the photo, and it will enlarge. Oh, and the flowers are about an inch to an inch and a half across.

Thanks to anyone who know the name!

PS I did not mean that Diane owns both the farm and her husband, but that they own the farm together!


Splendid Little Stars said...

Oh, I wish I knew, because it is very cool!

Beth said...

Hi! I am not sure, but I think it may be yellow loosestrife. I have yellow loostrife but mine does not have varigated leaves. However, I found something that is yellow loosestrife, and does have varigated leaves, by googling "yellow loosestrife" and then selecting "images for yellow loosestrife." Check it out and let me know what you think.
Blessings, Beth

Anitra Cameron said...

Thank you, Beth! Googled it, and that's what it is!