Monday, September 21, 2009

PICTURE A DAY, 09/19/09

Is it cheating if my picture for the day is one taken by someone else? It's me in wench-wear, taken before I headed over to the Portland Pirate Festival yesterday:

Just in case that photo doesn't count, here's one I took myself, an example of something that never fails to make me smile--the obvious anachronisms walking around the park all day, both days:

It wasn't until after I took the picture of these pirate types that I noticed the camera and name tags, and of course, the utility kilt, while looking "oldish", did not exist in the century being portrayed. But I'm not complaining. A festival that encourages costumes to the point that a person in street clothes may feel underdressed is nothing to sneer at, to my way of thinking!


Splendid Little Stars said...

The Pirate Festival sounds like fun! And what a good wench you make!

Memories for Life said...

So glad you posted the pic of yourself :) Looks like a fun event!

Anonymous said...

You look so nice!

storybeader said...

very pretty wench! {:-D

Mollye said...

Oh Anitra girl, You are just adorable. The look really suits you. What did hubs wear?

Live, Love, Laugh, Write! said...

You make an adorable wench :D

Judy Nolan said...

Ani, you're a good-looking wench! :-) How fun to see you in your garb.