Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Well, the kids are back in school. For some of us, that means more time to create things. Not for me, of course, since I've been an empty-nester for a l-o-o-o-n-g time, but that doesn't mean I'm, like, totally out of touch. Only partially. I think. Anyway....

I decided this would be a great day to encourage creative juices, and how better to do that than to give away something to create with? I fell in love with these two little boys the minute I saw them, at an estate sale a couple of years ago. The older boy seems to be completely befuddled by something, and the littler one just looks thunderstruck, and I can just imagine all sorts of possibilities for collage.

Click on the image, and it will show up full-size. Then right-click on that, and select "Save as..." from the drop-down menu. Tuck it somewhere on your computer where you can find it, print it out, and have fun!

Happy first day of school!