Friday, September 4, 2009


Hoo boy, have I got a fence for you today! I was just cruising the neighborhood, looking for an interesting fence to shoot, when I noticed the street in front of my car was painted, bright trapezoids with letters, eyes, hands sticking out. Wow. That's cool, I thought. Looks like maybe there's a creative sort with children living in one of these houses. Then my eyes lifted off the road, darted to the right, and saw this:

That was pretty cool, so I stopped my car and got out to take a closer look. There was a gate at the other end:

In between the gate and the bike wheel, there was a tall fence post, and this was atop it:

Then I spotted another wheel-topped post, which was great enough, but my jaw dropped when I saw what had been done to the fence when it turned the corner:

Fence boards had been cut into animal head shapes, too:

And this cat:

I'd knocked on the door of the house after taking several pictures, but no one answered. There was a car in the driveway, and one on the street, though. I wrote a note on the back of my business card, telling the fence artist I loved what he'd done, and that I'd be posting photos of his fence on this blog, and tucked it under the windshield wiper blade of the car in the drive.

As it happened, the artist and a friend were in the back yard, and saw me when I did that, so I got to meet him, and he gave me a tour of the yard. I thoroughly enjoyed looking at the house, and hearing his artistic saga. One thing he told me was that he'd dreamed one night, when he was a boy, that he had a house, and painted it in bright colors. He has lived to see the dream become reality, Made the dream reality himself, and I love it.

It totally makes me want to haul out purple and orange paint, and green and fuchsia, and go at it here at home, but I'll restrain myself, and just enjoy what he's done.


Mollye said...

Oh This is rich! I think you my little artsy one have met your match! Glad you took that jaunt and shared with us!

Anonymous said...

Wowee! Those are awesome fence arts! What a find :) I especially love the animal heads and the bike wheels.

Splendid Little Stars said...

Wow! totally crazy! (in a good way)