Sunday, September 19, 2010

SUNDAY RERUN: Portland Pirates, 2009

Time to repost a favorite! (Everyone has favorite blog posts; Click on the button in the lefthand sidebar to join Chari's Sunday Favorites blog party!)

This week I'm posting a slide show of pictures from last year's Portland Pirate Festival. It's what I'm doing this weekend, only we have wet, Wet, WET weather to contend with.

This is the first of two slideshows. In the next one, I'll put face painting shots, and maybe a few other just-looking-at-all-the-fun pictures; this one shows the costumes, the action, the fun, the relaxation of all those adult inhibitions about doing things "they" might think are silly. It's one of the reasons I love the festival: Nobody worries about anything but the moment, and even the growed-ups play!

Gotta run now--it's time to get into pirate wench mode, and go paint, hopefully, a whole lot of little pirate faces and arms!


  1. What a fun festival! Yours is the 3rd post I've read today that has featured pirates. ;-)
    I hope you'll hop on over to the QCI blog (#9) and join me for a cup of tea. ~ Sarah

  2. Hi Anitra...

    Ohhh...what fun! I would love to go to your Pirate Festival! Wished I lived closer! My friend, you are sooo beautiful and I love the dress that you wore! What fun! I'm so glad that you shared this with us today for Sunday Favorites! And yes...please do show us the face painting next week! I would love to see it!

    Wow...out of all the tablescapes that I've seen in Blogland. You are the first to mention that you also have the Brahms silver! I think it's a gorgeous pattern and feel so blessed to have it! My honey says that his mother only brought it out for special occasions. Thanks for your sweet note today, my friend!

    Warmest autumn wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design


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