Saturday, September 18, 2010

SHOW & TELL SATURDAY: Rain, rain, rain

Well, I spent a wet day at the Portland Pirates Festival yesterday. It wasn't actually raining when I got there to open my booth, but had rained so much during the night that my skirt was wet six inches up from the hem, and my shoes, socks, and feet were damp all day.

For some of the day, it just poured buckets. Even the ground was so wet that the legs of my stools were sinking into it, even though I had a heavy cloth spread for them to sit on. One man sat down on the stool to have his face painted, and the back legs sank in so deep the stool toppled! He jumped up and didn't fall, but after that, when a child sat down, I'd make sure his/her feet were on the top step (it's one of those with steps that fold out) and then firmly plant one of mine on the bottom, just to be safe.

Still, Portlanders are a hardy lot. It was POURING rain (notice the drips from my tent pennants) and while attendance was down, a lot of people didn't carry umbrellas or even seem to notice they were getting wet. I was soaked just getting from my booth to the car to go home, but we've had so much rain this year, I think people have given up caring.

I took this video later in the day. Before this, the crowds seemed almost as heavy as they have been in other years.

The forecast for the day shows some heavy showers on the way, but scattered, and it looks like maybe it won't be raining when I take down the booth.

Oh, and immediately after the festival, I have another event, a pub sing to benefit Portland Revels. I'll be helping to lead the singing. I don't think I'll have a chance to change out of my Pirate Wench costume. Pray that I'm not too bedraggled when I get there!


  1. We were there Sat too! Which face painter were you, we had one of my sons painted at one of them.

  2. Am I crazy or don't you guys have rain practically every day??????/ Oh please send us some. I mailed your box Friday. Love you!


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