Thursday, July 1, 2010


Okay, so my head is full of my little dog Ceili today. (Say that, KAY-lee; it's gaelic for a musical gathering or party.) Ceili had surgery on Tuesday, to remove bladder stones. Poor little baby! I couldn't believe how big some of the stones were--one was bigger than a robin's egg!

She's been very quiet since I brought her home yesterday, but her appetite is picking up, and I finally figured out she'd get her antibiotic down if I pulverized it and mixed it with a little of her food. Here she is, in her own little parking spot:

And I figured as long as I was doggie-brained today, I'd see what I could find in the way of Scotties on Etsy. Aren't these great?

Last, and not least! My two Sweeties


  1. Ceili is so adorable! I'm glad her appetite is getting better after her surgery! It's so hard when our furbabies are sick since they don't understand but I hope she gets well very soon!

  2. Oh the poor little darling. I hope she feels better real soon.

  3. so glad Ceili is feeling better... and taking her medicine! Your two sweeties look very much alike! I guess Ceili resembling DH's side of the family... {:-D

  4. awww...poor little pup...wishing a speedy recovery :)

  5. Such a cutie! Sorry she's gone through some health trouble...That first little felted Etsy find is just adorable :)

  6. Anitra,
    I came by to thank you for signing up to follow my Barb's Treasures blog,
    and I see you are in Portland!!!
    I'm in Eugene. So fun to meet you!

    I'm sorry your little puppy is not doing well. Hope the meds knock the sick right out of him.

    Off to see your blog now.

    barbara jean

  7. I hope Ceili is making a full recovery! I love that last photo...a true treasure :)

  8. Your precious Ceili is sooo darling! I'm partial to terriers. I'm so sorry she was having mean ol' stones - but, I trust she's feeling back to her spritely self now. Please give her a scratch behind the ears for me.

    You commented on my blog about the Black Pyrex....your comment about being old made me laff ;) I did not know Pyrex made plates! That's very cool. I had a pink Jadeite plate that I loved too much ;) It passed on to the lovely plate place in the sky.

    Your Coffee Pot People are adorable, Anitra~

  9. ...aawww....poor Ceili! glad she is recovering. Your "sweeties" photo is a treasure!


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