Monday, June 28, 2010


I want to take a few minutes here to show off Roberta Palmer's leaves.

Roberta creates leaves from concrete, casting them over the real thing. She makes a bed of sand to cushion a large leaf--gunnera, hosta, etc.--and then pours concrete over it. When it has set up completely, she paints the leaf, and it's ready to go out into the garden. That's where her artistic talent shines. I've seen a number of people who do this, but I've never seen anyone who does such an amazing job of painting the leaves. The look incredibly real.

Here's Roberta, horsing around at the Seeding Our Future show, held this year in Fowler Junior High, in Tigard. I admire Roberta for her perennial smile and cheerful attitude, in spite of life circumstances that could lead to a much drearier outlook.

If you live in the Portland area, look for Roberta at the Beaverton Farmer's Market, and other art/craft shows around town. I know she'll be doing Camp Cactus and Art in the 'Burbs. Camp Cactus hasn't yet published show info, but you can visit the Facebook fan page here: Camp Cactus.

Now, being able to purchase Roberta's leaves is wonderful, but that's not all you can do: Roberta gives classes. If this looks like something you'd like to try yourself, I don't think you could ask for a better teacher!


  1. all her different items came out really nicely. Got to check out her Facebook fan page!

  2. Her work is beautiful! I love the coloring she is able to incorporate in to them :0)


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