Thursday, June 24, 2010

ME: A Sister in the Bloggerette Society!

I've never been in an actual sorority, or particularly wanted to be, but it looks like the time has come. I've been accepted as a Sister Bloggerette, and today is *RUSH* day! (Want to join? Just click on the button at the upper left of this page to find out how!)

Our Rush assignment was to take this photo

and make something with it, anything we pleased. When we'd done that, we were to frame the piece and put it into our Rush pots. The one rule: You had to have a picture of yourself somewhere in the post.

Now, my printer's out of color ink, and I didn't really have time to work with tangible bits and pieces in the construction, which made following the letter of the law a tad difficult, but hey, I'm teaching myself Photoshop one project at a time. This was a natural.

Here's my finished piece:

Sooooo....uhmm...I'm the one with the glasses! To see it better, just click on it, and it will enlarge. I hope when I can get ink for the printer to really print this out, but for now, this was the best I could do!


Jil~Say It With Roses said...

Hello new Bloggerette Sista....I am Jil, so good to meet you!!
Colored Ink or no, it looks great to me!

Jil~Say It With Roses said...

PS...I forgot to tell you I love your coffee pot people...I love anything clever and out of the ordinary!!!

Ann said...

Love your picture, a lot of us have joined the girls in the photo-really good job. Cant't wait for more fun to come.

bj said...

This, my sista friend, is amazing. I love how you did it....
xo bj from Texas

Anonymous said...

Wow, very pretty. Nice to meet you, Sister.

zandra said...

Hi, from New Jersey. Some of you sisters are so clever to photo shop yourselves in the photo. Love that. Can't wait for the rest of the upcoming events. Enjoy the rest of the party.

Anonymous said...

I was very intrigued by the title "Coffee Pot People". :) Your skills with Photoshop are super. Great picture! And have a fabulous weekend.

Rebecca Nelson said...

You are AMAZING with PhotoShop my friend. LOVE LOVE LOVE your picture. FAB!

Love to you Seezsta!


Sherrie said...

Hello and so glad to meet you,
Your photoshop skills are amazing! I just kept looking at the picture. You did a wonderful merge job adding your image to the group!
Your coffee pot people are so creative and amazing.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sister! Oh, you're good - this is so pretty!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Hi Sister! Oh, you're good - this is so pretty!

Lynn-Teacupstitches said...

Greetings Sister Anitra!

Wow you are SOooooooo creative and I'm loving your project!! You are one talented lady for sure!!
Hugs and Smiles,

Amy A said...

Hello blog sister! Great project, I'm a photoshopper too ;) Learning as I go...

Love your flower pictures too!

Home and Heart said...

It turned out great!!

Francie...The Scented Cottage Studio said...

Goodness it's beautiful just as it is! I'm always runnin' late AND runnin' out of ink too.

Andi's English Attic said...

That's a very clever picture. :) xx

Unknown said...

Lovely! Nice to meet you. :)

Good Job Sister!


Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

First of all, I love you little purses. Gorgeous. Nice to meet you sorority sister.

Karen said...

I think it's PERFECT! Anyone who can tach themselves PhotoShop gets an "A" in my book! there just aren't enough hours in the day! I have never professed to be a computer genius. Just ask Connie at Living Beautifully!
Anyway - I'm glad you joined in! Looking forward to getting to know you better!
:) Enjoy! Karen

Cat Stegall said...

Awesome photo and love you pruning the flower in your "sisters" hair! GREAT!!!what fun!

Rebecca said...

You fit right in Sista! Love your pic in with the girls! I am so excited about our sorority and all the F*U*N we will have!

Blessings from your Back Porch Sista,
{Our Back Porch in Tennessee}

Lululiz said...

You blend in absolutely perfectly, I am in awe of your skill. I really love the way you have framed the photo as well, it is beautiful.

Jacalyn @ said...

Love it! Glad to meet you!

In the sisterhood,

Shellbelle said...

Teaching yourself Photoshop? Honey, you did a wonderful job!

But, I must tell you that your Coffee Pot People are genius! I'm ready to run right out to the shed and pull out the ones from my camping gear and make one of my own. They are FABULOUS!

Cindy Adkins said...

Wow, this is gorgeous!!! So nice to meet you, fellow sister in the sorority--how fun!!

Your site is awesome!!! I'm going to look now to see where to be a follower!

Beth said...

Hello, Sister! I am enchanted with the name of your blog and with your art - particularly your cigar box purses. Love the story honoring your dad, too.
Blessings, Beth

porter place cottage said...

Hello new Bloggerette Sista....I think your project is great! You surely have a lot of talent!
Nice to meet you...

Dogmom Diva said...

Oh thank you for stopping by, and I love your picture. I don't have a working copy of Photshop, on my list now!

Looks great and I LOVE the coffee pot peeps!


Lynn Stevens said...

What a beautiful rush project you created, so nice to meet you sister and your coffee pot people really perked me up (like you havent head that one before) LOL
I'm a little late in making the rounds with so many sisters!