Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Mom and I worked for a couple of days last week, getting ready for Round Two of her moving sale. This time, we focused on the office and garage. Mama found more boxes of depression glass, decorative items, and the like, in the garage. The garage and office, both, were also storage spaces for her craft and sewing items.

Toward the end of our time at the old place, we started pricing the fabric and laces. I had begun with the fabrics, and Mama with the lace, but she was quickly feeling overwhelmed, and I needed to leave in time to get home for another commitment.

So I volunteered to bring the laces that were on cards home with me and price them here. She said the ones that were separate hanks she could handle.

Do you know how hard a job this is going to be? Not that pricing the lace will be terribly difficult. Not keeping yards and yards and yards of it will be! (I'll be good, Mama. I promise!)


Anonymous said...

OMG, so much B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L lace. I would be in heaven!!

Mollye said...

ha ha ha you weren't kidding. I've never seen as much lace outside of Hancocks in my life! Get to stitching and gluing little girl.

storybeader said...

first thing I thought of when I saw the lace: the cigar boxes! You said something about using lace on one, didn't you!? {:-D