Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I got such a kick out of this treasury, Monsters Around Etsy, put together by my friend and fellow Etsy Blogger Patch, that I decided to copy it here. I'm sorry the photos aren't clickable, but if you click on the link (Monsters Around Etsy ) it will take you to the treasury itself. There, if you like, you'll be able to click on individual monsters and visit the shop where it was found.

So tell me: Which is your favorite? I love them all, but....uhm...oh...drat! I can't decide, but I do love Tilt's Mini monster, and the shoes, and that last onesie, and...Patch, yours takes the prize for scariest, lol!


Anonymous said...

Thank you Anitra!!! LOL
My favorite one is Boo-Be-Gone Monster Spray, coz I think it's great idea to buy for kids who afraid of monsters at night time.. ;)

Memories for Life said...

I suppose they're supposed to be scary...but I think they're so cute :) Love all the pink ones :)