Friday, May 21, 2010


I spotted this fence just today, on a street I've driven dozens of times. It must be new, because I can't believe I'd have overlooked it all those times!

Isn't it wonderful? You know, I'm going to Have to do something like this! It appears the creator has used mirrors. Would cut or broken Cd's work? I wonder....


Memories for Life said...

This may be the coolest fence I've seen :)
And I think CDs would work well!

Splendid Little Stars said...

That IS cool! The CD thing might be worth trying. If anyone could make something great like that, it would be you!

storybeader said...

I thought it was mosaic! It's fabulous! I'm sure you can do a fence justice!

AWJ said...

Disco fence! :D

Seriously, that is just too cool! I'll bet a cd would work, and it'd definitely be lighter than glass.

Fusion Art Jewelry said...

That is awesome! Never seen anyone do that before, what an excellent upcycling idea!!! Thank you for sharing.

BTW, do you have a new banner or am I just blind? I LOVE it!!!

Erika said...

Neat! I can only imagine how persistent the person/people must be to get that up on the fence--it looks great.

TiLT said...

that is so cool!

Mollye said...

Hey Anitra, I think the cd's would work but would probably not be nearly as much fun as smashing old dishes and making the pattern of china mosaic. I love the blue background but the button on your layout under the fonts and colors where you post a comment needs to be a little darker., I can barely see where it with being so light. I know I am always asking you to change something!!!&^%%#@&*(* Grrrrr. Am I a snotty girl?

Linda E. Pruitt said...

Anitra--I love your Friday Fence post features! So Creative!