Friday, April 2, 2010


Won't take long over this as I'm at Mom's. We're gearing up for her big moving sale, April 16-18, and all I can say is I'm glad we've got two whole weeks left to work on it. I can't believe the amount of stuff there is, and my daughter and I are bringing in more, both to make a little money ourselves and to make sure there's "enough". I don't think we needed to worry about it. I spent yesterday and today just working with glass. This is what's in the living room alone:

The weather here has been abysmal, rain, hail, cold, thunder and lightening, wind, and I've been glad to be working indoors, and also glad I took shots of this fence on the way down, to remind me it actually is spring:


  1. Holy Cow would I LOVE to come to your sale. That is a dream come true. I make glass garden ART. Wow......where per chance are you located?? LOL

  2. I just popped on over from Mizmollye's. I love your coffee can people. How unique and creative!


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