Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I've been thinking a lot about something a number of my bloggy friends do, Wordless Wednesday. I love seeing the pictures they put up. Me, I'm too wordy for that!

My friend Mokihana does a Word Wednesday, always a scripture or otherwise uplifting post.

I'm not sure I could come up with something deep every week, though, or even most weeks, but I do love words. I love the taste of them in my mouth, the feel of them in my ears, the friction of my pen on paper when I write them. I love finding new ones, stringing old ones together, playing with them, taking them apart and putting them together again in my mind. Word Wednesday. Yeah. I like it.

This is my first Word Wednesday post. This time it's a poem I wrote a couple of years ago. Next time? Hmmm...


The man lying beside me is snoring away--
What a racket!
He's sawing logs with a chain saw today,
It's a fact. It's
The roaringest clamor that ever lulled me to slumber,
A whole forest of grizzles, a whole sawmill of lumber.
It's a snort in the dark, a jarring surprise.
It's appalling! I love it! It means he's alive!
It's a terrible, horrible, wonderful noise,
And a small price to pay for sleeping with boys!

PS The picture's just for pretty.


  1. That poem cracked me up! And pretty picture :)

  2. The picture IS pretty!
    Love your poem! I totally relate, except for the lulling to sleep part which never happens!
    This is just going to have to be shared!

  3. so true! pretty picture! oh, you need to do an "almost wordless wednesday" like me!

  4. That is sweet!.. (I have it on good authority that women have been known to snore also! Shock I know, but was told so by my (ex) hubby) ! lol
    fun day

  5. Pretty pinks.
    And what a hilarious poem:)

  6. yeah, I suppose the price is worth long as they leave room for you on the couch or bed :p


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