Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Yesterday, I said I had three new projects to show off. Here's the second, and then I'm off to see if I can get two bracelets finished before I go to bed. Probably not possible, but I'm sure gonna give it a shot!

I finally came up with a way to use all those tins AOL used to send out. (So if you've got any you'd like to unload, free free to email me!)

That's my beautiful Mama in the picture!

Will I show you how? Absolutely! Watch for the tutorial on!


  1. What a great idea! And I love that you used a photo of you mom in one!!!

  2. so cute - great idea. Someone will say: "This must be a recipe from Anitra - I recognize the paper!" {:-D

  3. Great idea! I could see this being a mini scrapbook with accordian folded pages on the inside. Thanks for sharing.


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