Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Good grief, I've been busy! I have three, count 'em THREE, new projects to show off, but I've been working on them so nonstop, I haven't had time to post them. I'm going to do the last one first, of course, and show off the new Coffee Pot People Christmas scenes.

My daughter Melody started it. It's her fault that I haven't been doing a bracelet a day. Well, and those other two projects, too, but that's different.

Anyway, Melody's idea is to create a Christmas Organizer, which is a great idea. I've been using the first one she created for years, so I already know she's good at it.

This time, though, she wants the frontispiece for each section to feature a Coffee Pot Person or Tea Kettle Character, and she wants a little line-drawing mascot, too. For that, she wants me. To do the artwork, anyway. These are my first five efforts, and my thought is to turn them into Christmas cards, with more to come.

Lumin in the Snow

Santa, The Children, and Wren

Bubble Light Coco

Belva Goes to Church


  1. You have been busy! those are really cute =)

  2. Those are great! I love to see everyone's new projects!

  3. Oh, I love it!!! :o)

  4. These are hilarious! Love 'em.

  5. and snow already! But what's a Christmas Organizer? sounds interesting... {:-D

  6. Ok Ok Missy Violet saw this (she was looking over my shoulder.) NOW she wants me to put her in a Christmas card. I am not an artist I told her. OH can she pout!! Oh yes what is a Christmas organizer and why do I need one.?

  7. Oh gosh girl, these are the cutest things. You are an amazing woman to figure out how to do this. I love them. Happy Thursday, Mollye

  8. These are really cute! I like Lumin in the snow best! Great work!


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