Thursday, August 13, 2009


I started fixing dinner this evening, and thought,This is going to be really good! I ought to share it!, so I got out the camera and took two, count 'em, two pictures, which will have to do.


  • Six pieces chicken (I used drumsticks and thighs)
  • Six red potatoes, cut in quarters
  • Several handfuls of baby carrots, or larger carrots cut in 2" lengths
  • One large onion, cut into chunks
  • One clove elephant garlic, sliced, or four cloves regular garlic
  • One jar Alfredo sauce (I used Classico's)
  • Herbal rub, to taste
Put all the ingredients in a 13"x9" baking dish, pouring the sauce over all and sprinkling the herbs on last. Bake at 350F for 45-69 minutes, until the veggies are done and the chicken is tender.

Serves four-six

It was tasty. I added cantaloupe and blueberries, but didn't bother with a salad, as we'd have plate-sized salads for lunch.