Friday, December 3, 2010


I love this! Do you see the dog? (It's cool when you click on it, too.)

Time for a Friday Fence Post! I found some great fences this week--had a hard time whittling down the ones I'd share today, but forced myself to limit it to five or six images, lol.

Join us! It's easy--find a fence you think is interesting, and take a picture of it. Then create your post, and drop the perma-link to it in Mr Linky, at the bottom of this post. Be sure and grab my button (left side bar) for your own blog, so others can join in the fun, too, and please leave a comment here. It absolutely makes my day when people let me know they've visited, and makes my week to see fences from other people! I will visit every poster, and let you know I've been to your blog. =oD

Here are my fences for this week:

I loved the muted, watercolor feel of this.

Okay, so this is mostly gate,

It is NECESSARY to play with my photos!

Wouldn't you play, too?
Almost ethereal.

Your turn! Seen any good fences lately?


  1. I love them all, but I think I like the watercolor-esque fence the best!

  2. that long image looks like watercolor! I love iron fences and gates too! {:-D

  3. You were busy this week with the camera! Wonderful fences and gates!

  4. so cool! I don't think we have that many cool fences around here...I'll have to look closer before next Friday & make sure I have my camera :)

  5. Christmas Blessings to you and your family, From my mountain to yours Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  6. May your New Year be filled with many Blessings and abundances of Joy for 2011. From my mountain to yours, Until next year
    Hugs and Smiles Gl♥ria

  7. ahaha, Happy Holidays!! I thought I was the only one driving past places and snapping a shot of the amazing fence or especially doors 'o)

  8. Hi Sister, I love all of the because your photography blows me away but my fave is the last one. I loved your Christmas Card and letter. You are such a delight to me and I love you and am so grateful for your friendship. Happy New Year, Mollye


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