Sunday, November 14, 2010


It's time for another Sunday Favorite! Click on the button in my left sidebar to see how you can join the fun--it will take you to Chari's blog and the instructions.

This is from the summer of 2002:


You used cleaning the kitchen
to show me how angry you were,
chattering the silverware,
clattering the plates,
and toppling the cups
into their positions on the upright prongs
of the dishwasher.

You used the dishes to show me.
It worked.
You broke my favorite glass
we both wept.


  1. Oh goodness!!! That was NOT a good day back in 2002!!

  2. Hi Anitra...

    Hmmm...well I am sitting here thinking about how many times that I have loudly klinked a few dishes around because I was upset! In fact, many years ago...I through a plate...I was so angry! Of course, it fell and shattered into many...many pieces. I had to clean it all up! It was the last time I took my anger out on a dish! Hehe! Having to clean up the mess took all the fun out of it! Sorry about the broken glass in your poem, my friend! Thank you for sharing another one of your lovely poems with us for Sunday Favorites!

    Have a wonderful week, Anitra!
    Chari @Happy To Design

    PS...thank you so much for the sweet note that you left about my Tea Rose bedroom! You made my heart smile, my friend!

  3. I love to see verse here in the blogs! Thanks for sharing, although not about a happy time. That's OK. We all have those times!

  4. Just wanted to share that I also would love to have one of those card catalog sets. I have always loved to read and when libraries began to use the computer to help you search I was a little broken-hearted--I loved flipping through all of the cards!

  5. aaww...a sad event, but you made it into art with your poem--memorialized forever.

  6. So poignantly beautiful. Bittersweet. Warm hugs coming your way! Mollye


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