Friday, November 5, 2010


It's Friday! Seen any good fences lately? This is the place to let us see it, and it's easy: Post your fence photo on your own website/blog, and then paste the URL to your post in Mr Linky, down below. And please grab my button, in the left sidebar and post it somewhere on the page so others can join the fun, too! (Highlight the photo, right click, and select Copy as HTML from the dropdown menu that appears. That will give you the code.) I promise to come by and see all your posts, and leave a comment!

The picture above shows only a part of a fence. I took it because I liked the rickrack effect of the curving brick edging the path. Ceili is clearly interested in a visit to that inviting door!

I really liked this aging, interwoven fence, and wish only that the several other photos I took had actually turned out. They're worth clicking on, to see full-size, I think.

And now it's your turn!


  1. My daughter's backyard fence looks like that!

  2. The aging fence has lovely colors and patterns! This just proves that aging is beautiful!
    Your capture of Ceili is fun!

  3. you can tell these people really enjoy fences too, to take the time to interweave the boards instead of just putting them up!

  4. Story, I never thought of that! You're right, though--it takes appreciation for a good fence to go to that much trouble.


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