Friday, October 8, 2010


Fall is here, but the weather has been unseasonably warm this week. That's lucky for me, because what my schedule had on it was gathering firewood.

I've filled my little KIA three times with wood from our friend Bruce's remodel this week, and yesterday, worn out and hot, I told him, "This wood pile is like one of those bottomless milk pitchers in fairy tales, where no matter how many glasses you pour, there's still more!"

Interestingly enough, the most tiring part is hammering nails in. I've covered the cargo area of the car with a tarp, but I still don't want to risk having the nails tearing up the inside of the car.

Here are pictures:

This is where that wood in the car will go.

This is the brush pile, at the far back of our property.

Between car loads, I've been turning the brush into sticks. They're remarkably brittle, and I've been able to break even some of the fair-sized branches.

A little tag-a-long, our Ceili. This is at the very back of the property, and a place she likes, because a goat lives on the other side of that fence.


  1. WOW!! Anita that's alot of fire wood..I have a bunch here from an old cedar tree we had to take down this past year..But we don't and can't have wood burning stoves in the mountains...county big time..Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  2. oh wow, that looks like a ton of work!!

    i'm so so sorry that i'm late in commenting and rating!

    this is kate and oli from swap-bot.


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