Friday, October 15, 2010


This is, ta-da!, the 60th Friday Fence Post! Yeah, I know the title says that, but I need to say it again.

I have new fences for you, and (deep breath) a new meme. Will you join me? I'll put the badge in the left sidebar, and if you run across a fence that grabs your fancy, post it on Friday, and let me know! I'll do a Mr Linky, and you can put the link to your post in, and then we can all come see your fence, too.

It would be great if you were to grab the Friday Fence Post Badge and put it in your own sidebar, and of course, link back to here. That way we'll get more people to the party, which is Always a good thing, right?

And now, without further ado, this week's fences:

One more note: If you join, do feel free to play with your fences. I Love Photoshop filters, and often alter my photographs with them. You may want to do that, too, or draw them, rather than photograph them. You might print them out and alter them in other ways. However you do it, I want to see them!


  1. Hi! So excited to find you have a blog! I found it through One Pretty Thing.

    I was wondering if you ever wrote a book about your coffee pot people? If not check out Katerine Dunn's blog called Apifera Farm blog. Scroll to October 9th and she put up a link to, Make Your Own Book. She also has a link to one of her books. Mice That Love, by Katerine Dunn. She lives in Yam Hill area I think.

    Those Tags are adorable!

    I am reposting this to make
    sure you seen my comment about
    a Coffee Pot People Book. I
    think it would be the coolest
    to make and sale. Wondering if
    you had a book made?

    I seen you some years back at
    a Farmers Market.

    The fences are lovely!

    God Bless You and Yours!!!

  2. YAY!!!! I'm excited about your fence post meme! Ever since I started reading your blog I have been more aware of fences. Your area seems to be rich with wonderful fences. Here's to fun and linking up!
    I must go adventuring and find some fences now! One more thing--how long will you leave the linky up each week?

  3. I have a pic for my first Friday Fence Post... do I have to wait until Friday? lol {:-D

  4. Hi Anitra...

    I just read your sweet note over on my SF post and had to come over to check out your new "Friday Fence Post" party! Sounds like great fun, my friend! wheels are turnin' now...thinking...thinking...whether I have any interesting fence! hehe! I wish you the best on your new Friday meme, sweet lady!

    Now...I'm wondering what kind of gorgeous flower that is growing on that white fence? I have seen them before but cannot for the life of me...recall their name! They look soooo pretty peeping through that fence! Great photos, my friend! Thanks for sharing them with us! wishes!
    Chari @Happy To Design


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