Friday, October 1, 2010


Today's street is brought to you by the McMenamin brothers, by way of my camera and their excellent gardeners. Theirs are the only pubs and restaurants I've ever seen whose grounds rival most parks. They seem to be as devoted to beauty outside, in the gardens around their businesses, as they do inside.

This fence and wall borders the north side of the Kennedy School McMenamin's. (Yes, it used to be a real school. Now it's a pub/restaurant/theater/spa.) The garden behind the building is quite lovely, but I spotted the fence as I was driving to the one I thought I was going to photograph for today.

I'm sometimes surprised by the beauty of very homely things, in this case the chain link fencing, which has developed a rough sort of patina over time. Of course, the fuchsias draped over it don't hurt, either.

Clicking on the pictures will show them closer to full size, worth the effort on the close-ups, especially.

It is now 11:11. A fitting time to shut this laptop and my eyes. Good night, dear reader.


  1. I couldn't even see the chain link at first! Yes, the fuchias are beautiful - what a nice fall color! Funny, there's a liquor and wine store up the street, and their gardening is fantastic too! {:-D

  2. very pretty. this is neverwashis btw.

  3. Beautiful flowers against an old rusty fence always look amazing!

  4. The pink flowers are so beautiful. I like how the the tie up with that one fence.

  5. Your fushia is soooo lovely. I've had this plant before, but it is just a potted plant in Ukraine. I"m a gardener too.
    an American experiencing life from Ukraine


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