Wednesday, September 1, 2010


There's a fabric store just up the street from our house. It is definitely NOT a candidate for "Shop Beautiful", but it is a treasure trove of the fantastic. I've told a number of people about it, but this morning, as I prepared to run up and look for fabric for wings, the lightbulb came on: Blog this place!

This is the shop, as seen from the Safeway parking lot, at NE Fremont & Sandy Blvd. Definitely not an exterior to make you long to enter, is it?

Unless, like me, you have a nose for a bargain. I wanted to know how true that "FOR LESS" was, the first time I went in. Turns out the sign maker got it right, in spades.

Table full of trims, at mostly $1-$2 a yard, & mostly beaded, sequined, and/or embroidered.

Lots of sheers, many sparkly, at $3 a yard

Cottons, velours, knits, more sheers--$4 to $8 a yard

Richly beaded trims, with top price of maybe $5 a yard

Quite a lot of beaded evening and ethnic wear

This photo does not do these luxurious sequined and embroidered fabrics justice!
Price? Just $10 a yard!!

Need I say it? If you're looking for fabric and trims in the Portland, Oregon area, check out Fabrics for Less. It's true that there isn't much "ordinary" there, but it makes up for it, I think, with a whole lot of Extraordinary!


  1. Not to far for me to go, Anitra, I'm in Milwaukie! I'll check it out!!!!

  2. Nice post, I am jealous because there is no shop like that in my neighborhood.

  3. looks like a treasure trove of goodnesses!


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