Friday, August 20, 2010


The house is quiet. Mom, unlike her energetic usual self, went to bed about an hour ago. I am awake by sheer force of will, which you may feel free to call plain, pure, stubbornness. What is it about moving sales that makes them so tiring? (And why does 'stubbornness' have a double 'n'? It looks weird to me all of a sudden!)

Anyway, Mom and I ran the sale all day today, with people wandering through the house. Lots of laughter and talking, a fair amount of haggling over prices, and a bunch of phone calls to the DH about pricing tools and ladders and the like. Thank goodness, he'll be here tomorrow to handle the stuff in the garage.

So I didn't get to get out and take any photos of fences this week. Instead, I did an Etsy search, to see what they had to offer in the way of fences. Answer: Cool stuff!

From Found and Assembled:

From Fishbone Designs

From Gynx:

And I saved this one for last because I noticed first that it was really cute, second that it featured fairies, and third that the artist shares my same first name, which I thought was Way Beyond Cool, so from AnitraBear:

And on that note, dear reader, I will carry myself off to bed, which for this weekend is a sleeping bag on the floor. Only a few more days of this to go! (Then we will donate bunches to a charity, and move the good stuff to my home in Portland, where we will have another gigantic, enormous, gargantuan sale! And it's all good, isn't it?)


Marjorie (Molly) Smith said...

some unusual fences you found there. I like the electric fence flowers best.

storybeader said...

I love your last pic too. Don't tell me you're not another "save the last for best" mindset - I'm trying to get over that!! Very Hard! Hope you found a good rug to sleep on. {:-D