Saturday, July 3, 2010


Think I'll start a new thing here: Show Sumpin' Saturday. The idea is to just show something, and do it on Saturday. Doesn't matter what--a pretty flower in the yard, a how-to for a craft, a young relative's bright-eyed smile, a funny video, your latest project, someone else's cool creation--just show something!

I'm working on a button for my sidebar, something I've never done and so am looking forward to, and I hope you'll join me! Once I get the button done, I'll post instructions for anyone who wants to participate, and put the list here on my page.

I hope you'll join me! What will you find to show the world, I wonder?

Here's my first Show Sumpin':

I had something else in mind when I thought of this new theme, a video of a dog climbing a tree. (True story! I took the video myself!) But it will have to wait, because this evening I got the postcard up there in my email, and I HAVE to show it off!

Cracked Pots at Edgefield is one of the larger shows in the Portand, Oregon area, and I'm honored to be one of the artists chosen to participate. But this year, I'm especially, exceptionally honored, because look! Not one, but two of my Coffee Pot People are on the front of the card!

Oh. Wow. I am hyperventilating. And smiling. I can't wait to show Mom and my kids and my husband! (But you saw it first!)


Okay, the button is on my sidebar, and clicking on it brings you to this entry!

Now then, if you'd like to join the party, and I really hope you will,
grab my button for your own sidebar and leave a comment here with your blog URL. I'll post it in the body of this entry so we can all come see what you show us!

Next up: Figuring out Mr Linky, so you can add your own URL. (But I notice it doesn't necessarily work every time, so...hmmm. Will give that some thought.)


  1. congrats! Yes, I know, you are bubbling all over... know the feeling. Wish I could come, and take home my favorite coffee pot people! Darn! Have a fun time - it's just around the corner!

  2. sounds like fun, Ani!

    Super, super congratulations for the postcard appearances!


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