Friday, July 9, 2010


Two fences this week! As usual, clicking on the photos will enhance viewing; you get to see them larger, and with more detail.

This last photo has no discernible fences. It's where I am this weekend! Isn't it beautiful?

Tomorrow there will be people wandering down long rows of lavender, cutting bouquets. To the right of the shot, there is a small garden house sweetly packed with lavender oils, soaps, lotions, and balms. Its porch is a stage, and there will be live music all weekend.

To the right of the garden house, there is a double row of tents housing art (including mine), a lavender gelato stand, a barbecue, a hula hoop play station, alpacas for tasting, a wine tasting booth, tables where you can learn to make a lavender wand...

If you're anywhere near the Hood River Valley, in Oregon, come join me! This is an awesome way to spend a warm summer day! Directions: Hood River Lavender Daze


  1. love your fence pictures the last fence is my favorite kind.
    The last picture looks like a beautiful cool haven. Wish I could be there. Have fun and good luck with your sales.

  2. Lavendar Daze is awesome, I go every year :)

  3. So that's where you are! What a beautiful valley! OMG!

    The red fence is so simple and nice... until you see the barbwire! Ugh!


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